Fotosizer Portable - Reduce Photo Size without Losing Quality


Fotosizer is a batch image resizes tool. It resizes your photos in just 3 easy steps -
 1. Photo selection
2. select resize settings 
3. Start the resize! 

Increasingly, sharing photos on the internet is becoming more and more popular. Photos, formatted as JPEG files from digital cameras, taken at high resolution are far too large to send over the Internet, with some photos ending up at 5 mega bytes. Uploading one photo to a photo sharing website is fine, but 10, 20, or even more, this can take forever, especially on a dial-up connection. With Fotosizer, you can shrink JPEG image files, along with other supported formats, and dramatically reduce internet transfer times, enabling you to quickly and easily. 

The Fotosizer is designed for batch image processing. With Fotosizer, you can easily change the size of the photos. The program is extremely simple to use. Fotosizer allows you to process simultaneously a large number of photos, for example, a whole folder. Works with the most common graphic formats.


Help unlock the photos from your digital camera. Use Fotosizer to batch resize your photos making it easier and faster to email to friends. 

Fotosizer lets you resize in 3 easy steps, allowing you to choose the photos you want to resize, the dimensions, and where you want to save the new photos. 

Resize quickly and easily using a preset list of sizes including iPod, iPhone, and Sony PSP screen sizes. 

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Fotosizer Portable - Reduce Photo Size without Losing Quality Fotosizer Portable - Reduce Photo Size without Losing Quality Reviewed by Mazhar Ali on 11:55 PM Rating: 5
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