Professional Portable CCleaner 4.01.4093 | Clear out junk & optimize your computer for free

CCleaner PC World magazine voted the top cleanup utility now. The program will scan your entire computer to identify the unnecessary waste of computer parts such as History, Cache, Temp, ... and 1 of the junk programs like Opera, Firefox and delete conduct clean it. After deleting is complete, you will see your computer run faster and lighter. 
Additionally, CCleaner also provides utilities to find and fix Registry, which helps to remove the broken key in the registry, uninstall process. 
development program is completely free. 

PASS:  globalcomsol
Professional Portable CCleaner 4.01.4093 | Clear out junk & optimize your computer for free Professional Portable CCleaner 4.01.4093 | Clear out junk & optimize your computer for free Reviewed by Mazhar Ali on 8:59 PM Rating: 5
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